Have you ever thought about paying attention to your pipes? Often clogged but you don’t know the cause and what the solution is other than calling the best plumbers San Diego? Here are facts about the use of pipes that you need to avoid so that your pipes can be avoided for the wrong use.
As long as you spend a lot of time at home, surely you will cook more often, right? Well, after you cook, never throw your hot oil into your dishwasher, okay? The reason is that your pipe can be damaged very quickly because it cannot withstand the heat of the oil which can be up to 100 degrees hot. In addition, oil can also cause grease on the walls of your pipes, which over time can clog the pipes and even make your dishwashing drain clogged.
Same thing with hot oil. Hot water can also damage your pipes. Usually, many people think that hot water can expedite the disposal of a clogged pipe. But the reality is that hot water can actually accelerate pipe cracking, and can cause even more serious problems later. If you are already facing damage to your pipes, order a plumbing installation service so that you get the right help for replacing the pipes in your home.
Sometimes we tend to ignore what we throw into the toilet, without realizing these items can cause clogging and serious damage to the inside. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you the things you shouldn’t throw down the toilet. Wet wipes are the main cause of congestion. Wipes may look harmless to your pipes, but if you dispose of large amounts of them every day, it’s no wonder how they can build up and damage your toilet. Baby wipes are not destroyed, including those that say they can be thrown into the toilet because the material is made of bamboo fiber, cotton fiber, or certain other fibers. These fibers are not crushed and damaged.